Our Beliefs
UPC is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America. As such, we are part of the Evangelical, Reformed, and Presbyterian tradition. Here's what that means.
Evangelical: We believe that the only way for any of us to be reconciled to God is through the perfect life and sacrificial death of Jesus Christ imputed to us by faith alone. We come to that belief through the witness of the Bible which we believe to be the inspired and inerrant Word of God and our only authority.
Reformed: We draw our heritage of belief through the 16th century Protestant Reformation and specifically through the work of John Calvin who focused his work on the centrality of God's grace and God's sovereign application of that grace in the lives of people.
Presbyterian: We believe that the church is to be governed by a plurality of leaders called elders who, together, seek to govern, lead, and care for the local church as Jesus would.
You can find a fuller explanation of our beliefs in the Westminster Confession of Faith, or just visit us on a Sunday!