Here at UPC, we believe that most of what we look for in a church happens outside of Sunday morning.
That is because community, something we were made for, is really difficult to do while sitting in rows. In fact, we would argue that it happens far better in living rooms than in class rooms. That is why we are so passionate about small groups. The kind of life change that happens because of the Gospel happens far better while in a circle than in a row.
Groups are simply that, smaller gatherings of people, helping one another grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus. They are contexts where you can be both known and loved, where you can experience the kind of care and support you want from a church, and where you can bless others
Joy Group
We are a 55+ group that meets every Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. in the Education Building for social gathering, prayer, and Spiritual Education. This education may take the form of a Book of the Bible, Relevant books and videos by Christian leaders or Topical applications for practical living in Christ on a day-to-day basis.
Now JOY can be an acronym for Jesus first, Others second and Yourself last. It can also mean Just Older Youth! I submit to you that we are both. We are Just Older Youth humbly seeking to put Jesus first, Others second and Yourself last.
The first Wednesday of the month we go out to lunch following our study.
If you are looking for a church that values its Senior members, you have found the place! JOY provides a way to know more of our church family, encourage one another in faith, and share common life experiences with others who have a slightly more “historical” perspective of life.
To recap! …Wednesdays, 9:30 a.m., Education building, Just Older Youth.
For more information you can contact Jim Tinkey at or call 407-489-2188.
So come on out and put a little JOY in your life!
HOPE Fellowship is a bi-monthly program meeting in the Commons area of the Education Building. Our next meeting will be on Friday, January 10, at 10:00 a.m. We will have two speakers presenting relevant topics. Suzanne Hunter will spend about 20 minutes helping us understand some of the new changes to Medicare for 2025. If you find that the plan you signed up for is not meeting your needs, there is still time to make changes and Sue can help navigate your questions. Our second presenter is Tammy Roche, a longtime member of UPC, who has an important message regarding Advance Planning or pre-planning for end-of-life issues. Many people are interested in this topic and would like to make decisions that benefit their family but they have no idea where to begin. Both Sue and Tammy will be available at the close of the meeting for personal questions and follow-up.
Just as marathon runners hit a wall and need encouragement, the purpose of this gathering is to provide information and inspiration for those of us who have had several decades of life and are interested in how to stay the course.
We will start off with familiar hymns and folk songs that had meaning to us in our younger years. There will be snacks, a brief devotion, and a speaker with a timely, practical topic. Generally, we will explore ways to thrive with a sense of purpose, address physical and spiritual needs unique to our generation, and share faith journeys, hobbies and experiences to inspire one another.
For more information, please contact Jim Tinkey at or call 407-489-2188.
Life Groups
Life Groups are smaller groups of 8-12 people who meet in homes. Most groups meet 3-4 times each month, along with some social events every now and then. All of our life groups seek to help one another grow in and experience the Gospel more either through discussing the previous week’s sermon or reading a book together.
1) We believe that, as people made in the image of a triune God, we were made for community. As God said in the very beginning, “It is not good for man to be alone.” (Gen 2.18)
2) We believe that life change happens more in circles than in rows.
3) We believe that authentic Christian community, places where people can be fully known and fully loved because of the finished work of Jesus, help the Gospel make sense to all of us.
Looking to Join? Visit our Group Finder to view a map of our groups and contact a Life Group leader in your part of town.
Bible Studies
Wednesday Mornings | Rediscovering Humility by Christopher A. Hutchinson
February 5 - May 14
Wdnesdays from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Led by Chanda Griese & Lee Weidenmuller
Childcare available if needed (fee applies)
Thursday Mornings (Early Risers) | The Gospel in Life by Tim Keller
Begins January 9
Every Thursday morning from 6:15 - 7:20 a.m.
Led by Sheri Penman
Monday Mornings | Suffering and the Heart of God by Diane Langberg
Monday mornings at 7:00 a.m.
Led by Brent Larson
UPC Commons
Wednesdays at Noon | Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church by N.T. Wright
Wednesdays at Noon
Led by Stephen Trafton
UPC Worship Center Foyer
More Groups
We want to be accepted and known, we want to be loved and belong, and we want to have value and purpose. UPC College Ministry exists to help students invite Jesus into these needs, create a welcoming community of students, and equip each other through the local church—our lifelong community and family. It is life in Christ, with community, to our colleges, city, and beyond!
Contact Dam Mallya for more details. -